Why we Believe in Custom Face Masks
Given the current public health crisis, Crooked Monkey recently began producing custom face masks- a necessity that we believe to be the next big fashion statement!
Though we are a Custom Apparel Company, after the CDC made its most recent recommendation on civilian face masks, we saw two opportunities. 1) A chance to do our part in better protecting our communities and those we serve… and 2) The opportunity to help our customers promote their brands in a way that would both protect their team and serve as a quality investment.
We understand that times are rough and that no one really knows what lies ahead. In a time of such economic uncertainty, investments such as “promo items” can be a tough decision to make. But due to their current necessity- we believe custom face masks to be one of the best decisions you could possibly make for your company at this time. For more information on why we believe in custom face masks and how we believe your business can benefit, keep reading!
What We Hope to Achieve
By offering Custom Face Masks, we hope to encourage more of the general public to follow the CDC’S cloth mask guidelines, while also encouraging them to stay away from medical-grade masks. Due to the national PPE shortage, US civilians should not be using N95 of other medical grade masks, but it is important that cloth masks be worn by those venturing out into the public to prevent further community spread.
At Crooked Monkey, we are very proud of our team’s hard work to pivot from our usual business of custom t-shirts to sourcing and producing protective face masks. But what we are most proud of is how we believe our custom face masks will make a difference in the fight against COVID-19 and your return to “normal.”
Why we Believe in Custom Face Masks
While we know many are making their own DIY face masks, our inventory of professionally made masks will last much longer and work much more efficiently than a hastily developed t-shirt mask. Aside from the basic fact that these custom face masks will serve as better protection for you and your team, they will also serve as an even better fashion statement!
At Crooked Monkey, we really pride ourselves on a well-executed design, and when it came to custom face masks- we felt no differently. This whole situation is both hard and scary, and any little thing we could do to personalize a bit of the experience and bring more joy to the faces behind the masks was right up our alley.

We believe in our custom face masks so much because we think that they will be the answer to your company fight against COVID-19. A well-designed custom facemask would fulfill not only the necessity of protective masks but as well serve as a fashion statement and a walking billboard for your brand. For more information on how we believe you and your brand will benefit from Crooked Monkey custom face masks, keep reading!

How your Brand can Benefit from Custom Face Masks
Currently, protective face masks most benefit those essential workers- the grocery store employees, the restaurant takeout staff, construction workers, drugstores and gas stations (we thank you so much by the way). But as we move forward toward the reopening of our economy, its important to understand that masks will be a huge part of our new “normal” and its most likely that protective face masks will be essential in the reopening of all businesses.
For those of you who are lucky enough to keep your doors open in this time, what better way to promote that you are ready to serve your community both safely and efficiently than with custom face masks? And for those of you who aren’t so lucky right now, what better way to stay creative and keep your business gears grinding than to get prepared?
Our custom face masks will serve as a walking billboard for your brand, and with our design capabilities, they are sure to catch the eye of everyone you see. Meaning Custom Protective Face Masks are key to protecting your team while also promoting your business!
Though you can get face masks just about anywhere, it is important to note that Crooked Monkey is the only face mask provider offering completely custom design options. Use one of our Crooked Monkey stock designs, or work closely with one of our experienced designers to develop the perfect design to represent you and your brand.
Regardless which you choose, we assure you that your Crooked Monkey custom face mask will be the best decision you made for your brand in its fights against COVID-19