The Return to Work- How to Prepare for Reopening Your Office Space

The Coronavirus has turned everything upside down- including the houses of people all over the US who have for nearly two months turned their dining rooms into their remote work spaces and had to adapt their services to be “safe at-home.”

But, It seems as if just when everyone is starting to get the hang of working from home, we’re also beginning to make plans for how we can all safely return to work. However, before we can ask this of our teams and office tenants, we’ve got to make sure they feel safe, healthy, and valued in their workplace so that they are all prepared and comfortable with the return. 

While it’s too early to understand the full extent of what will be required to return to work in each state, it’s never too early to start planning for how you can be best prepared for your team or tenants return to work. For more information on how you can be better prepared for this upcoming transition in your office space, keep reading. Crooked Monkey has put together a list of tips, tricks, and essential items that will make your team or tenants return to work a breeze!

Unfortunately, not everything will be the same as we return to work and re-enter our office spaces. We must be prepared to adapt to what is required of our businesses state by state to value our health and the health of all those we encounter in our day to day work. 

At this time, It is important that each business or office space be open to new ways of working and different office dynamics. The longer we work from home in large numbers, the more new habits and new ways of working that will begin to take shape.

Make use of what you have learned in this period of remote work so that when this crisis ends, you are prepared to again adapt to what will work best for your businesses and work spaces while also taking care of one another and building your team or community. For more information on how you can be ready for the return, check out our tips for how you can be best prepared for your team or tenants to return to work. 

1. Keep your Distance

Unless people are wearing face masks, the six-foot social distancing rule should apply in the physical workspace until there is a vaccine, and COVID-19  is no longer a health threat to employees. For the time, employers should remove excess chairs in conference rooms with more than 10 seats, spread out collaboration seating so people are spaced further apart, and continue to encourage virtual collaboration whenever possible.

2. Seperate Work Situations

In situations where existing desk spacing is less than 6 feet apart, consider using every other desk to create a buffer for each person. This could be achieved by assigning some people to work from home or temporarily locating them in other areas. Consider assigning what were formerly shared desks to individuals for a full day or a week, and then make sure they are disinfected before a new person uses the space.

3. Limit Tech Sharing

To avoid transmission of the virus, it’s best to provide technology and accessories (such as a mouse, keyboard, or headset) to each individual or ask them to provide their own. These devices are touched throughout the day and it is best if they are not shared. 

4. Ramp Up Cleaning

Your employees or the tenants of your office space’s health depends on a safe and clean work environment. Organizations and office spaces should implement professional cleaning protocols not only for workstations, but for conference rooms, collaborative areas, cafes, reception desks, and other common areas at multiples times throughout the day. Employers and landlords should provide disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers

5. Encourage Good Hygiene

Reinforce good hygiene practices with well-stocked restrooms that have hands free soap and anti-viral cleaning supplies. Employers should also install plenty of hands-free dispensers with sanitizer that contains at least 60−95% alcohol in lobbies, conference rooms, and lounges.

Consider how employees will feel when they prepare to return to the office. Many people are scared of what this virus is capable of, and after being cooped up in the house for two months it can be hard to imagine sitting in a germ-infested office surrounded by others.

Instead of mandating that everyone come back at once or encouraging office space tenants to pick right back up on rent, consider offering the option for people to do it in waves. This may not only provide the necessary social distancing, but it would also allow employees a greater sense of control over their health and feel much more confident in how much you- (the employee or landlord) value them as an individual.

If this doesn’t sound like a viable option for your business or office space, we suggest taking other precautions to ensure your team and tenants are confident in their return to work. Check out our selection of Return to Work Must-Haves that will be a key player in ensuring your team or tenants are comfortable in their return to work. 

1. Hand Sanitizer

Though this item may seem like a no brainer, it is an absolute necessity in the reopening of office spaces and will be a requirement by law. Our hand sanitizer is made with 75% Alcohol and effectively eliminates most pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Have specifics on size? Don’t worry- we have two available!

2. Nitrile Gloves

Our Nitrile Gloves are latex-free, non-allergenic, and made from a harmless and odorless material. If used properly, these gloves are ideal in protecting against the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses in your office space.

3. Cloth Face Masks

We offer various style of protective masks depending on both your needs and budget. What sets our masks apart from all of the rest? Easy! Our customization abilities. No body wants to wear a lame face mask, but spice it up with your logo and were sure your team and tenants will love it!

4. Pocket Facial Tissues

Though this item may seem simplistic, our 3 Ply Pocket Size Tissue Packs are the perfect item to offer your employees or tenants to assure tissues are in the office and readily available to each individual. 

5. Alcohol Wipes

Our 75% Alcohol Wipes kill  99.9% of bacteria and prevent cross virus transmission on commonly used items in the office such as keyboards, copiers, and office phones. These wipes are available in two different canisters depending your preference.

6. Door Opening Key Chain

Our Door Opener Key Chain is the perfect tool for avoiding dirt and bacteria that exist in common public places and surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons, office drawers, printers, and copiers, etc. Prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses in your office space by providing your team or tenants with the tools they need to stay as hands-free as possible!

7. No Touch Thermometers

Return to Work Essential Thermometer

This handheld non-contact infrared thermometer instantly reads body temperature from a safe social distance (1cm-5cm) by forehead scan and is the perfect tool for testing employees or tenants for the most common COVID-19 symptom of high fever. In most states, the government has enforced widespread temperature recording as a requirement for the return to work and will be necessary for employers and landlords to enforce as office spaces begin reopening. 

8. UV Clean Phone Sanitizer

With our UV Clean Phone Sanitizer, your employees or tenants can plug in their laptop or power bank anytime and anywhere to rid their belongings of germs, bacteria, and viruses! Not only is this device helpful for those who share technology, but this easy to to use UV sanitizer can also disinfect cell phones, keys, credit cards, and writing utensils to ensure a cleaner workspace. 

We are Crooked Monkey, a custom apparel and merchandise company. As COVID-19 has made it’s away across our nation, everything has changed- including a little bit of what we do! When the pandemic first began, we wanted to do our part to aid in the national PPE shortage, so we began working with our contacts overseas to begin sourcing protective masks. 

As the need lessened, we got back into what we do best- customization! And began producing custom branded reusable cloth face masks. As the stay at home orders began to be lifted, we knew we needed to adapt our services again to better serve our communities- and our idea for return to work essentials was born. 

We believe just as strongly in our Return to Work Must-Haves as we do our reusable face masks. But again, just like the masks, if there’s one thing that can make our Return to Work Must Have’s even better its customization!

Customize items like our hand sanitizers, door opening key chains, and alcohol wipes with your company logo and offer them as gifts to your employees. Nothing says I care about your health like providing your team or tenants with the tools they need to stay safe in their return to work. And with the added incentive of branding- Custom Return to Work Must-Haves are a no brainer for your business or office space!

Are you interested in purchasing our Return to Work Must-Haves to ease your team or tenant’s transition back into the office?

Contact us today, and let’s get started creating the perfect Return to Work kit that works to fit your team or tenant’s individual needs and better yet- your budget!