The Ultimate Guide to Kentucky T-Shirts for Tourists and Locals
We have found a home in Louisville Kentucky for quite some time now, and in our short time here, we’ve learned one thing’s for sure- We may be the Experts in Customization, but we aren’t the only T-Shirt experts on this side of the Ohio!
These days, everyone loves a good custom state tee, and tourists aren’t the only ones indulging. Were not talking about your basic shirts that sport the state slogan, but complex completely custom and beautifully designed tees that express the ideas, thoughts, and inside jokes of the State that their designers love so much.
At Crooked Monkey, we love highlighting our neighbors, and we figured it was only right that we as the Custom T-Shirt Experts take the time to highlight some of the best state tee’s and their designers in the area. The passion of these designers is untouchable, and the product of their passion is even more unbelievable.
If you are looking for information on some of Kentucky’s best state t-shirt shops and an idea of the Top 10 Kentucky T-Shirts for Tourists and Locals- Keep reading, Crooked Monkey has you covered!

In 2013, Rick Paynter had the idea to create an app that would connect local Kentucky business owners and give them a place to discuss how they were marketing their local business. Though the app didn’t catch much traction, the Instagram account in which Paynter originally created to market the app was taking off.
Rick and his wife vowed to make use of the successful Instagram page in whatever way that they could, and it wasn’t long before the idea of designing custom Kentucky t-shirts was born. The couple purchased a heat press and a single color screen printing press, placing them in their garage.
The duo started by printing the logo for their original concept on the front of 100 t-shirts, selling them via their Instagram page and donating all proceeds to a local Kentucky charity. The two quickly sold out of their product, and it wasn’t long before the small at home business grew into a multiple shop production.
Today, Shop Local Kentucky has 3 different locations across the state and has raised over $500,000 for various local Kentucky charities and causes.
Shop Local KY T-Shirts for Tourists

Remind your friends at home just how much you care after returning from your Bluegrass vacation. Nothing says “I love you” like a love all the way to Kentucky and Back

Who doesn’t love FRIENDS? Impress all of yours back home with your sitcom inspired Kentucky tee!

This t-shirt is the perfect way to tell everyone back home just how much you enjoyed your trip without even saying a word!
Shop Local KY T-Shirts for Locals

Only real locals know just how special Kentucky really is, and quite frankly- There’s NO Place Like Home!

Kentucky Bourbon is a big tourist attraction for the State, so you can only imagine the love the locals share for the liquor. A sure fire way to tick off a Kentuckian- Bring Tennessee Whiskey to the party!

In 2004, the State of Kentucky spent a half of a million dollars developing the “Unbridled Spirits” brand and slogan. Many Kentuckians were confused by the choice, and upon further researching of the phrase realized a Google search upturned nothing of their beloved state, but of a horseback riding camp in San Antonio.
After years of being puzzled by this, friends Griffin, Whit, and Kent came together in 2011 and tasked themselves with developing a more practical tagline for their home State. It wasn’t long before the men had concocted “Kentucky Kicks Ass,” a slogan they were extremely proud of and would later use to start a campaign to raise enough money to launch a Kentucky Pride Super Bowl Ad.
Their campaign took off, and it wasn’t long before locals were after their very own “Kentucky Kicks Ass” tees. Soon there after, the men began selling their shirts at pop up shops around the State and there was no turning back- Kentucky for Kentucky was born!
Today the men own two separate Kentucky for Kentucky locations in Lexington and are one of the most media recognized state t-shirt shops in all of the US. Even celebs like Jennifer Lawrence stand strong and agree- “Kentucky Kicks Ass!”

KY for KY T-Shirts for Tourists

Us Kentucky locals are some of the most frequent users of Southern American English, and Y’all just so happens to be our favorite phrase. Pick up a Y’all tee from KY for KY and head home with a new debate for your friends- Is it even really a word?

Chances are, even if you’ve never been to the Bluegrass State, you know exactly who Colonel Sanders is. Nothing shows off your recently developed pride for the home of fried chicken like a shirt with the Colonel. And not much else says i’m funny as hell like a shirt with the Colonel riding an Ostrich!

Nothing reads “I’m not old, I’m classic,” like comparing yourself to the greatest beverage in KY State history. Your friends back home may not understand, but don’t you worry- Us Kentuckians hear you loud and clear! We don’t age like a fine wine, we age like a well rounded bourbon!
KY for KY T-Shirts for Locals

Who wouldn’t want to walk around with a shirt that displays how much their home State kicks ass? Better yet, who wouldn’t want to match with the forever victorious Katnis Everdreen?

If you’re a KY local, chances are this shirt needs zero explanation, but for those of you who don’t have the pleasure of residing in the Bluegrass, its quite simple- Our weather is more moody than a teenage girl!

It is the job of a commercial to get the attention of the audience with a catchy phrases or jingle. “Got Milk?” “I’m Loving It,” and “I’m a Big Kid Now” are just a few, but in KY there’s no ad more easily recognizable than- “Morgan and Morgan” … and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan

After years of dreaming to own his very own screen printing business, Ashland Kentucky’s Chris Huddle and his wife Stephanie decided to start their very own custom Kentucky T-Shirt business known as Kentucky State of Mind.
It was their goal to create unique and original designs reflecting Kentucky and the core aspects that they believe makes their beloved home so special. The tees at Kentucky State of Mind are always printed on high-quality garments and are designed with families like yours in mind. From coal mining, to canoeing, to the Kentucky Derby- Kentucky State of Mind has you covered on all things Kentucky for the entire family.
The couple also partners with Celebrity Food Network Chef – Jason Smith to create his line of custom tee’s known as Country Bling. But what makes Kentucky State of Mind so well known in the Bluegrass is their completely original seasonally designed Kentucky Tees- such as their Christmas, Fall, and Valentines Day designs.
be sure to keep eye out for Kentucky State of Mind’s newest line, Kentucky Outdoor Tees- Coming Soon!
Kentucky State of Mind T-Shirts for Tourists

There’s no better shirt to wear upon your return from your Bluegrass get away. When people question your carefree spirit and joyful mood, the answer is simple- “I’m in a Kentucky State of Mind”

One of the most common southern phrases, and the most polite “Ef You” you will ever give. Pick this Kentucky T-shirt up on your next visit for an adorable spin on one of the most savage insults on this side of the Mississippi.
Kentucky State of Mind T-Shirts for Locals

Nothing says “Kiss my Southern Sass” like a bold t-shirt screaming it to all for the bluegrass. Pick up this custom tee for the boldest “Chick” you know to remind the world that though Kentucky girls have a whole lot of Class, they tend to spread just as much Sass!

There’s no day more special in the bluegrass than the first Saturday in May. But the locals know its far more than a day long celebration. They need a bright KY pride shirt to sport every day of Derby week to remind everyone just how bright the sun shines on their “Old Kentucky Home.”

As the great Jake Owen once said… “Home made me crave some ice cold homemade” If there’s one thing for sure about Kentuckians its that aren’t just born and bred, but born and bred to love some down home Kentucky Bourbon.

Before Dirty Tease got its start in 2007, owners Alise and Angi weren’t quite sure of their niche. But they did know one thing forsure- They were funny, and their humor was just enough borderline dirty to still be seen as appropriate enough for the front of a t-shirt. So- the two bought a screen printing press and got started working their comical genius producing t-shirts!
Dirty Tease made its big debut in the Germantown neighborhood the same weekend of Louisville Pride 2007. The store was packed from wall to wall with Louisvillians in need of custom tees for the parade and since business hasn’t stop. Wether it was for a humorous Dirty Tease original design or a completely custom t-shirt, the locals were hooked. It wasn’t long before word got out about the two women designing tee shirts that pushed the limits of inappropriate humor so well that they were forced into finding a larger location.
Today, Dirty Tease t-shirt shop is located in the Highlands of Louisville on Bardstown Rd where they produce both comical original Dirty Tease designs and whatever other completely custom t-shirts their customers request. Stop by Dirty Tease for a quick laugh, a welcoming and kind-hearted conversation with the owners, or a few snuggles from their big fur baby Danny!

Kentucky State of Mind T-Shirts for Tourists

Bourbon is far more than just a drink in Kentucky, its a way of life. To give yourself the opportunity to have the full Kentucky experience, its only right that you spend some time in Bourbon Country. Hit the Kentucky Bourbon Trail for a few tastings and a real good buzz, and grab your very own “Bourbon Country” tee to commemorate the affair.

If there’s one thing Kentuckian’s hate more than the question “Do you all even wear shoes?” It’s tourist’s horrible attempts at how to pronounce one of the states biggest and most recognized cities. Take a few shots of Bourbon and then give it another try. We’re confident our liquor will see you through each sad Loueyvlle, Luhville, and Looavul pronunciation!
Dirty Tease T-Shirts for Locals

Most states outlawed marriage between cousins in the mid 1800’s. Somebody forgot to send Kentucky their invite to the party, and it wasn’t until nearly 100 years later that the Bluegrass State finally followed suit. Kentucky locals are still so consistently bombarded with “do you date your cousin” jokes, that Dirty Tease decided they wanted in on the laughter. As the old saying goes- if you cant beat them, join them!

In 2007, Angi and Alise opened the doors of Dirty Tease for the very first time in Schitzelburg – an iconic Louisville KY neighborhood. Wether you know Germantown for it beer joints, fish frys, or neighborhood coffee shops, you know one thing is for sure- Germantown is the Schnit!